SSO: Frequently Asked Questions
This document explains some common questions about Zuplo's Enterprise Single Sign in offerings.
What SSO Providers does Zuplo Support?
Zuplo uses Auth0 to manage enterprise SSO, so we can support essentially any SSO provider required. Common options are Azure AD, Okta, Google Workspace, etc.
Will my SSO Account have the same access as my old account?
No, these accounts are separate identities. You will need to use your previous account to grant your new account the correct access. Alternatively, you can ask somebody else with admin access to grant your new identity the correct access.
To login with your old account, simply log out of the portal and use either username/password or Google to sign in with your old identity. If your old identity and new SSO identity use the same email address see the question below.
What if my new SSO Account uses the same Email as my old Account?
In the event you have setup SSO on an existing Zuplo account it's possible you
might now have two user identities with the same email address. For example, if
you previously logged into Zuplo with a username/password identity with the
, but then your Zuplo account was enabled for SSO
with your corporate domain
, by default you will always be logged
in to your corporate identity.
This means that when you login for the first time with your new SSO identity you will be a member of your Zuplo account, but you might not have access to the same projects.
In order to solve this, you can force the Zuplo portal to authenticate using your previous login method. This way you can login with your old account and grant your new account access to the project/roles required.
To login with your pre-sso account use one of the below links:
- To login with Username/Password:
- To login with Google: