Core Concepts

Node Modules

Zuplo supports certain node modules, but to ensure the security and performance of each API Gateway we must approve each module. This process only takes a few hours so if you need something new please reach out support by emailing

Additionally, you can also bundle custom modules inside of your own project. This process does require some knowledge of node and npm, but it allows you to use any module or version of the module. To learn how to bundle your own modules, see the sample Custom Modules on GitHub.

When referencing a custom module in the Zuplo Portal, you might see that the module has a red underline in your code editor. Some modules aren't typed or their types can't be bundled to use with the Zuplo Portal.

You can ignore these errors as they won't affect the functionality of the module. Alternatively, if you use local development you can install the module locally to enable code completion and type checking.

Below are the currently installed modules.
