Developer Portal

Sidebar Configuration

You can configure your Developer Portal Sidebar through the sidebar.json file. This file allows you to determine which pages get displayed, their labels, and their order.

Configuring sidebar.json

sidebar.json consists of items of different types either doc, category, or api-ref. The file is configured in a very similar way to Docusaurus' sidebar.js. The docs array must contain all the items of the sidebar.

Customizing Individual OpenAPI Specs

A specs array is added as an optional property on doc and category items. Not including the specs array will automatically include the item in all of your OpenAPI specs. The entries to specs must match the specId of the OpenAPI file (portion of filename preceding .oas.json) found in your project's config folder. For category types, adding specs to an item will result in the page only displaying if it's also found in the category item's specs array.

A label property is found on most items. It determines what text appears in the sidebar navigation. The label can also be provided via frontmatter using the sidebar_label property.

If a label is provided on both the sidebar.json item and the markdown frontmatter, the frontmatter will take precedence.

Adding an api-ref

An api-ref item dictates the position of your API Reference docs in the sidebar. You can also relabel the top-level label (the default is API Reference). The contents of your API Reference are automatically generated from your routes.oas.json.

interface APIDocConfig {
  type: "api-ref";
  label: string;
   * defaultSpec allows you to specify the ID of the spec navigated to upon loading the developer portal. The spec's ID is the filename without the extension (ex. For routes.oas.json, use "routes")
  defaultSpec: string;

When you create a project, we will automatically populate the following api-ref item in your sidebar.json:

  "type": "api-ref",
  "label": "API Reference"

Adding a doc

A doc is a single page that contains content from a markdown file.

interface DocConfig {
  type: "doc";
   * ID Must be unique across all pages and map to a markdown filename in /docs (excluding the extension)
  id: string;
   * Label Must be unique across doc and category items within this array only
  label: string;
   * The OpenAPI Spec IDs (filename without the .oas.json extension) you wish to limit this doc to. If set, this page will only be surfaced in the sidebar of listed specs.
  specs?: string[];
   * When set to true, this page will be navigated to upon loading the developer
   * portal
  defaultPage?: boolean;
} | string // shorthand

Here's an example:

  "type": "doc",
  "id": "index",
  "label": "Index Page"


You can also add a doc item via shorthand notation in which you only include the id field in the sidebar.json.

  "docs": ["index"]

Note that you will be unable to specify specs or defaultPage, but you can provide a label in the frontmatter

Adding a category

A category is a directory of doc items. Within your Sidebar, the items entries will appear nested under the label of the category item. Each entry in items must contain a unique id and label within the items array.

interface CategoryConfig {
  type: "category";
  label: string;
  versions?: string[];
  link?: DocLink | string;
   * @minItems 1
  items: (DocConfig | string)[];

interface DocLink {
  type: "doc";
   * ID Must be unique across within the docs array
  id: string;
  // label and versions are omitted as they are already included on the CategoryConfig

A category item can act like a doc if a link property is provided. When clicked the user will be navigated to the page referenced in the link. If no link is provided, then the category won't be clickable.


  "docs": [
      "type": "category",
      "label": "Dog Breeds",
      "specs": ["routes-v1", "routes-v2"],
      "link": {
        "type": "doc",
        "id": "dog-breeds"
      "items": [
          "type": "doc",
          "label": "Poodle",
          "id": "poodle",
          "specs": ["routes-v2"]