How to Guides
Script to Convert URL Params to OpenAPI Format
This is an example script that shows how to convert URLs in your Zuplo OpenAPI files to OpenAPI formatted parameters.
import fs from "fs/promises"; import kabab from "kebab-case"; import path from "path"; import { pathToRegexp } from "path-to-regexp"; import prettier from "prettier"; const files = await fs.readdir(path.join(process.cwd(), "config")); await Promise.all( (file) => { if (file.endsWith(".oas.json")) { const specPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "config", file); const content = await fs.readFile(specPath, "utf-8").then(JSON.parse); const newPaths = {}; Object.entries(content.paths).forEach(([path, entry]) => { delete entry["x-zuplo-path"]; const keys = []; pathToRegexp(path, keys); let newPath = path; keys.forEach((key) => { newPath = newPath.replace(`:${}`, `{${kababCase(}}`); }); Object.entries(entry).forEach(([method, methodEntry]) => { if (entry[method].parameters) { entry[method].parameters.forEach((param) => { if ( === "path") { = kababCase(; } }); } }); newPaths[newPath] = entry; }); content.paths = newPaths; const json = JSON.stringify(content, null, 2); const output = prettier.format(json, { parser: "json" }); await fs.writeFile(specPath, output, "utf-8"); } }), ); function kababCase(str) { return kabab(str).replaceAll("-u-r-l", "-url").replaceAll("-a-p-i", "-api"); }js